
Thursday, June 11, 2015


If you’ve never Squatted before, or you want to make sure you’re using correct technique so you get stronger without getting hurt,
Grab the bar with a medium grip. Put your feet directly under the bar, get under it and put it between your traps and rear shoulder muscles (“low bar”). Chest up, upper-back tight. Unrack the bar by Squatting up. Take one step back with one leg, one with your other leg. Stand straight with your knees and hips locked for maximum stability. Keep your upper-back tight. Take a big breath, hold it and Squat. Do this by pushing your knees to the side and your hips back and down. Squat until you break parallel – your hip crease must go below the top of your knee. Hold your breath at the bottom. Don’t stop but quickly reverse the movement by driving your hips straight up. Keep your knees out, your chest up and your upper-back tight. Lock your hips and knees at the top. Exhale and rest a second. Then take a big breath, hold it and Squat your next rep. After your fifth rep, rack the weight by stepping forward.

Dumbell Pullover Anatomy

Place a dumbbell standing up on a flat bench.
Ensuring that the dumbbell stays securely placed at the top of the bench, lie perpendicular to the bench (torso across it as in forming a cross) with only your shoulders lying on the surface. Hips should be below the bench and legs bent with feet firmly on the floor. The head will be off the bench as well.
Grasp the dumbbell with both hands and hold it straight over your chest at arms length. Both palms should be pressing against the underside one of the sides of the dumbbell. This will be your starting position.
Caution: Always ensure that the dumbbell used for this exercise is secure. Using a dumbbell with loose plates can result in the dumbbell falling apart and falling on your face.

While keeping your arms straight, lower the weight slowly in an arc behind your head while breathing in until you feel a stretch on the chest.
At that point, bring the dumbbell back to the starting position using the arc through which the weight was lowered and exhale as you perform this movement.
Hold the weight on the initial position for a second and repeat the motion for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Caution: If you are new to this movement, have a spotter hand you the weight instead. If not, please ensure that the dumbbell does not fall on you as you arrange your torso to perform the exercise on the bench. Also, as I already mentioned, ensure that the dumbbell used is in perfect working condition. Old dumbbells in need of welding should never be used to perform this exercise.


You can perform this exercise using a barbell or an e-z bar instead of dumbbells.
Also, if using dumbbells like Powerblocksâ„¢, just use a dumbbell on each hand with the palms of your hands facing each other

Friday, June 5, 2015

Suspension Trainer knee tucks

This exercise provides the benefits of both a plank and a crunch. 
Adjust the TRX Suspension Trainer cables so they hang about 12 inches off the ground. -

Place your feet in the foot cradles, with the tops of your feet facing the ground. Point your toes down toward the floor. Reach your arms out and get into push-up position. -

Pull your knees into your chest as you bring your hips up slightly into the air. Extend the legs and return to the starting position. Complete the appropriate number of repetitions.

Wide grip pull ups


1. Grasp an overhead bar using an overhand grip (palms down) at least one foot wider than your shoulders on each side. Keep your back straight and legs slightly bent at the bottom position.

1. Pull your body upward in a vertical line, keeping your elbows back. Gently pull upwards to either your chin or neck area making sure the bar is directly in front of you.

2. Gently lower your body down until your arms are straight and repeat.

Concentration Curl

As the name of this exercise implies, the concentration curl is all about mental effort as it is muscle effort. To really get the most from this exercise, you really have to contract your biceps throughout the entire range of motion. 
The amount of weight used is not as important as concentrating on moving the weight from the starting postition to the ending position. It is very important that you come down nice and slow on the descending phase of the movement (coming down). This is an isolation exercise that can be done standing up or on a bench. I personally prefer a bench but it's all about personal preference.


1. Sit at the end of a flat bench. Rest one elbow on the inside of your thigh and the non exercising hand on your free leg. Keep your feet flat on the floor.


1. Exercise one arm at a time. Holding a light dumbbell, curl the straight arm upward slowly until your arm is at it’s flexed position. Slowly lower the dumbbell back to the start position. Raise and repeat. Immediately after training one arm, train the other in the same manner.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Running lunge

Start by standing tall, weight balanced on the balls and heels of both feet. 
Step into a lunge with your left foot forward, knee tracking straight over your second toe and not extending forward past your foot. Raise both arms as if reaching for a high shelf above your head, rotating your pelvis back and stretching your right hip flexor as you focus your upper body on being straight and tall. 
Sink down and place your right hand on the ground to the right of your front foot. Bring your left arm over your left knee and lower it to touch the inside of your left ankle with your left elbow. 
Bring your left hand back over your knee and place both hands on the ground in track starting position. Rock your weight to your back leg, getting the heel down toward the ground and stretching your left hamstring. 
As you straighten to a standing position, swing your right leg forward and up and pause briefly in balanced running pose with your right thigh parallel to the ground. 
Grab your right knee with your right hand and your shin with your left hand and pull upward toward your right shoulder to stretch your glute. 
Rotate your right leg down and back, then straighten and lift it behind you while you drop your upper body to a horizontal position and reach down with your right hand to touch the ground to the right of your left foot. 
Step into a lunge with your right foot forward, swinging arms over your head

Swiss Ball Superman

Step 1: Lie face down on Swiss ball with the ball positioned under you stomach. Your body should be conformed to the ball. This is the starting position.

Step 2: Begin exercise by inhaling as you raise your right leg, while simultaneously raising your left arm up.

Step 3: Raise leg and arm until they are in line with your spine.

Step 4: Pause, then exhale as you lower them back down. Repeat movement with opposite arm and leg


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