
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

4 Fat-Loss Mistakes You Can Fix Today! Pt.2

I can't tell you how many times I've seen an otherwise perfect diet meal ruined by a poor choice of sauce or condiment. Salad dressings, dips, and sauces are normally loaded with calories, and I don't know anybody who measures them out in half-teaspoons—especially when they're hungry!
To start, look for "light" versions of your favorite sauces. They are out there, along with a plethora of fat-free items that aren't marketed to people who are dieting. For instance, I enjoy mustard and Sriracha because they offer intense flavor with little caloric impact.
You're best off avoiding sauces altogether when eating in a restaurant. If you must include a sauce or dressing with your food, ask for it on the side, so you can control the exact amount you ingest.
And remember: That salmon filet may be great, but there's no such thing as a "light" lemon butter sauce!
One of the easiest ways to accelerate fat loss is to cut all sugary drinks out of your diet. If you currently consume them, and you changed nothing else in your diet, you would see a drop in body fat—and perhaps a significant one.
This isn't going to shock most people, because they know Coke, Pepsi, and even their energetic children Monster and Rock Star contain totally unjustifiable amounts of sugar. And yet far too many of us still find a way to justify the unjustifiable. The time has come! Draw a line through the can!
While you're at it, lose other sugar sources which hide behind the mask of health. Even though you can find juices which contain "no added sugar," fruit is naturally high in sugar, particularly when you remove all the seeds, skin, and fiber. While juices may contain nutrients and antioxidants, they have no business being in your glass while you're dieting—even so-called "green juices." Only get nutrients from the source. Eat an apple or a salad.

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