
Sunday, April 26, 2015


Stand on the twist disc with your feet apart and your knees slightly bent. Grasp the grips with your hands. Firmly contract your abdominal muscles and rotate from one side to the other using your abs to control the range of movement. Twist through an arc of around 90º. Breathe naturally in short intervals. Comments This exercise can be dangerous if performed without adequate abdominal control. It is easy to let the momentum of the twist take over, with the ligaments and smaller muscles of the spine restraining the movement. This must be avoided. It is also unnecessary, and the exercise is a quick route to knee and back injuries. Moreover, it is completely useless if your aim is to reduce fat around your waist or increase the size of the muscles in this area. Sadly, many trainers allow their students to do this exercise without proper supervision. Common mistakes: too fast or too slow a movement, twisting in too wide a range of motion, and not concentrating on the muscles worked

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