
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Step Up!

Stand in front of the step holding a dumbbell in one hand. (Use the other 
to keep your balance.) Place one foot on the step, which should be slightly 
below knee height, and step up onto it using only the strength of the raised 
leg. Keep your back straight. Change feet to step down and repeat the 
movement. Breathe in just before stepping up and out as you step down. 
You can also breathe naturally.

This is an excellent, straightforward exercise that provides an intense workout for the gluteus maximus if your technique 
is good. Beginners should do it without using weights, hands on hips. A good alternative is to climb stairs carrying a 
load, although you lose the part of the exercise that extends the muscle (the down step), which is also useful.

Common mistakes: using your back foot (calf muscles) to give you a boost or, if 
you hang on to something for balance, pulling yourself up with that hand; bouncing 
before stepping up to gain momentum; leaning too far forward as you step up and 
poor balance.

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