Execution Stand, or sit leaning against a back rest that does not reach your head, and tighten your abdominal muscles to hold your torso steady. Hold the dumbbell by the inside of the disc with your thumbs on the other side of the bar and your fingers clasping the weight itself. Straighten your elbows above your head to almost their full extent and without opening them, lower the dumbbell back behind your head. Breathe in as you lower the dumbbell and out as you raise it. Comments If you do this exercise standing with a heavy weight, you will need to put one foot forward and lift the dumbbell in three stages: first, place the dumbbell on your thigh and lift it to your shoulder with the help of a push from the leg; second, place your hands in the position described; and third, lift it up in a final movement. If you are training alone (help is recommended), you should put the weight down in the same way. You can use considerable weight, but it is not easy for a partner to help you. This should be taken into account to avoid accident or injury. All three heads of the triceps work hard. Common mistakes: moving your elbows to gain momentum each time you raise the dumbbell, doing the exercise on a bench that prevents you from lowering the weight far enough without hitting the back support, opening your elbows too far, and arching your back
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