
Tuesday, May 5, 2015


1.Crisscross works on your oblique abdominal muscles which are on the sides, a.k.a. the love handles, so we really like to work this. And it’s rotational, so that’s why it follows at the end of the series. You want to make sure you’re very supported, stretch through the spine, warm through the core before you start to twist your back.
You’ll take your hands again one on top of the other. Bring your hands behind the back of your head, Madeline. Then lift up the head, neck, and shoulders. From here twist toward your left with your upper body. Keep curling up off the shoulder blade. So, she’s trying hard to lift up off of this left shoulder blade. Then extend your right leg out nice and long.
From here switch to the other side. And switch. And switch. Now we’ll breathe. Inhale, continue to inhale. Exhale, and exhale. Again, breathe in, and breathe out. Remember to keep your elbows nice and wide behind your ears. None of this curling in, sort of gym situation. That’s it. One last time, breathe in, breathe out. Then bend the knees, hold your shins, and lower your head, neck, and shoulders back down.
If stretching the legs is causing irritation in your lower back, or making your abs feel like they’re popping out to the ceiling, arching through the back, always add more support. You can always lower the feet down to the mat here, take your hands behind your head, curl up your breastbone, and then just work the upper body. That’s just as good to target to the oblique abdominals. Then lower all the way back down here.
So, this is our fifth in the series of five, our abdominal series, which is crisscross. Once you’ve mastered each of the individual exercises you can feel free to lift your head up, keep it up, through all five, one through five, for a nice flowing series

2.How to do it:
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  • Cross your right leg over you
  • Place your fingertips to the side of your head just behind your ears.
  • Contract your abdominal muscle as though you are doing a crunch
  • Slowly twist your torso and touch your left elbow to your right knee.
  • Exhale as you lift up
  • Slowly lower to the starting position
  • Inhale as you lower
  • Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and switch legs and do the same number of reps on the other side.

3.MOVEMENT ONE: Overhead Medicine Ball Slam

5 reps

MOVEMENT TWO: Pull Up (weighted if possible)

5-7 reps


10-12 reps

MOVEMENT FOUR: Straight Arm Press Downs

12-15 reps

4.There is a good reason why flutter kicks, a.k.a. scissor kicks, are a staple of boot camp classes.  They’re simple, straight forward, and they will push you.  They are a great exercise for the abs, and in particular, the lower ab muscles.
This exercise is so great because more than others, you're not looking at anyone else.  You're not thinking about anyone else.  Your abs and hip flexors want to stop.  Your legs want to bend.  Your form wants to fall apart.  But you tell yourself you can keep going a little bit longer.  When it's finally time to drop your feet it's one of the best feelings in the world. Sure it hurts.  It's supposed to.


  • Lie on your back with your legs together and extended out straight.
  • You can do one of two things with your arms.  You can place them out to the sides of your body with your palms down, or you can put your hands under your butt.
  • Placing your hands under your butt does two things.  First, it positions your hips and pelvis up just a little bit which helps in keeping your feet elevated.  Second, it takes strain off of your lower back.  Some people even like making fists and putting them under the butt for a little extra elevation.
  • If you choose to have your hands out to the side of your body, concentrate on keeping your lower back pressed to the floor.
  • Contract your abs and keep them tight throughout the exercise. 
  • Lift your legs off the ground about 6 inches.
  • Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the ground.  This will bring your upper abs into the exercise.
  • Now start flutter kicking.  Raise on leg up a few inches and bring it back to the starting position.
  • While it is on its way down raise the other leg up.
  • Now just go until you cry.  Then go one more minute.  (By the way, have you read the disclaimer?)

Keep In Mind...

  • Don’t kick too high.  If you kick too high you will take the strain off of your abs. 
  • The upper limit of the movement is having the leg at a 45 degree angle with the floor.
  • The lower limit of the movement is having the heel a few inches off the ground.
  • Keep the legs straight or at least very close to it.  When you get tired, you will want to bend them.
  • Keep breathing.  There is a tendency to hold your breath.
  • Keep your abs contracted and do not allow your gut to push out.
  • Do NOT let your feet touch the ground.


There are a few basic variables that you can use to adjust the intensity of flutter kicks.
  • Height of the kick: The higher you kick, the more you are working – up to 45 degrees
  • Speed of the flutter kicks: Kick faster to increase difficulty.
  • Length of time: Lie down and start doing them and you’ll soon see what I mean.
  • Weight: Ankle weights or heavy shoes will increase the work your abs need to do.



1. Lay down on your back on the exercising floor with your knees bent. Place your feet flat and widen then slightly more than than your shoulder-apart-width.
2. Starting position: Extend your arms towards the downward direction by the side of the body with your palms facing inwards.
3. While exhaling your breath, crunch your abs in the forward right direction. Try to catch your right ankle with the right extended arm (step 2). Stay there till the count of one.
4. Now while you're inhaling your breath, leave the right ankle you caught hold of with your right arm and very slowly move back to the starting position.
5. Repeat the same for the left side.
6. Your one rep is complete when you have completed both sides.
7. Repeat the Alternate Heel Touches exercise.

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